Classics (children's)
Showing 75 products
Tom Sawyer is a boy from a respectable family in a small town on the banks of the Mississippi River. Huck Finn is a free-spirited homeless boy left to fend for himself. Can Tom find a better friend than Huck?...
The legendary novel by American writer Eleanor Porter, which has not lost its relevance for over a century. Pollyanna is an orphan left at the mercy of her gloomy and stern aunt. At first, for Miss Polly, raising her niece...
The novel "The Mysterious Island" concludes a unique trilogy about Captain Nemo ("The Children of Captain Grant" and "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea"). The main characters of the novel are five Americans who made a daring escape from captivity...
The tales of the English writer Rudyard Kipling have long become classics. Both adults and children have been captivated by them for over a hundred years! The stories about brave and freedom-loving heroes are infused with subtle humor and kindness....
Holding in his hands the wonderful book "The Wonderful Adventures of Nils with the Wild Geese," the reader is amazed to realize that although he has heard about these adventures many times, and has watched the cartoon more than once,...
Before you is an eternal story, skillfully told by the wonderful writer Alexei Tolstoy. Its main character, the wooden puppet Buratino, "a brainless fool with petty thoughts," is actually kind and bright, trusting, open to the world, and full of...
In his stories, Mark Twain tried to revive the childhood years spent in Hannibal, which, despite all the hardships that his family had to endure, remained in memory as an idyll — a town bathed in sunny haze, wooded hills...
Detective works by the famous English writer Arthur Conan Doyle have captivated readers of all ages for almost a century. The novella "The Hound of the Baskervilles" tells the story of how the unparalleled Sherlock Holmes, together with his loyal...
The classic work of Daniel Defoe in an adaptive retelling by Margaret Elphinstone.
The favorite book of many generations of young readers tells the captivating story of a girl named Ellie and her dog Toto on their journey to the Magical Land, where they face incredible challenges and amazing adventures, as well as...
Oleksandr Oles (real surname — Kandyba) wrote the poetic cycle "Prince Ukraine" in 1920 while in emigration, dedicating it to the events of the era of Kievan Rus and the Galician-Volhynian principality. However, for various reasons, the collection was not...
Many classic stories that are easy to remember. Captivating adapted retellings and masterful illustrations on every page. After just a few readings, the child will be able to tell the story by flipping through the pictures. Such books will help...
The girl for whom any frame is too tight is a dreamer, a rebel, a joker. Incredibly strong. Incredibly generous. And a little lonely. Do you want to befriend her? Then quickly open the book by the renowned Swedish author...
This world-famous fairy tale, written over a hundred years ago, continues to amaze and inspire its readers. Everyone finds something special in it and understands it in their own way. The incredible adventures of a girl named Alice, her amazing...
This book is a true masterpiece by the outstanding French writer, poet, and thinker, pilot and scientist, designer and inventor, the legendary man Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900–1944), whom one of his teachers called "truly a universal talent." It is an...
"In the city of Stockholm..." — this phrase begins the amazing story that has become beloved by children all over the world and, surprisingly, by their parents as well. So, in this northern city, in an ordinary house, lives an...
Unrestrained Pippi invents new entertainments every day. Sometimes they seem a bit audacious. But everyone in the town has come to realize that the little rascal has a big heart, and they have come to love her. And when Tommy...
The work of Hryhoriy Kvitka-Osnovianenko (1778—1843) occupies a special place in the history of Ukrainian literature. Ukrainian literature owes many of its features to him. The character and soul of the Ukrainian people, lively language, excellent knowledge of folk customs...
Brother and sister Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert decide to adopt a boy from the orphanage to help them with the household. But by mistake, they are sent the lively red-haired Anne, who turns life in the town of Avonlea upside...
The story "Pippi Longstocking Goes on a Ship" is a continuation of the adventures of the red-haired dreamer and her friends Tommy and Annika. This time you will learn how wonderfully Pippi walked through the shops and to school, how...
"Phew, what nonsense! Fools who wish me a Merry Christmas should be seated on cushions stuffed with holly, or boiled with their own Christmas puddings."The miserly old miser Ebenezer Scrooge hates Christmas. Can such a greedy, callous, and lonely person...
"One of the most significant works of the English writer and Nobel Prize laureate in literature Rudyard Kipling, first published in 1894. The collection of stories about the 'man-cub' Mowgli and his friends has captivated the hearts of millions of...
One of the most famous novels by the English writer Robert Louis Stevenson about the search for treasure hidden on a distant island by pirates. Young Jim Hawkins is the main character and narrator, who, after exciting and dangerous adventures...
Classics (children's)
When a child is taught their native language from an early age, they grow up to be a conscious person and a true patriot. Especially if there is a classic of children's literature on the shelf of the home library. Literary classics help to form a good aesthetic taste, abstract thinking, and imagination. In modern conditions, when more and more of children's attention is drawn to gadgets from an early age, a good book becomes an alternative. It helps to resist the formation of so-called clip thinking – thinking in pictures rather than full-fledged plots.
Diversity of assortment – for you
When there are classics for children in the home, and a mother reads a fairy tale or an exciting story to her little one at night, wonderful thoughts about childhood are formed, which will become good memories in the future and support them on their life path. If you are interested in classic children's books, you can purchase them in our online store. We offer a classic of world literature for children, which is presented in a good assortment, so that all readers can choose what will correspond to the interests and genre preferences of their little ones.
The incredible adventures of a little boy who grew up in the wild will be revealed to readers in the book "Mowgli." "The Little Prince" will tell about dreams, humanity, and responsibility. "Alice in the Looking Glass" will unveil amazing plots with unexpected twists to young readers. And the book about the Little Boy and Carlson will entertain with a story about the wonderful friendship between a boy and a delightful and cheerful fairy-tale character who came to visit. And these are just a few examples of the books that are offered for your attention in the assortment of our online store.
"The creativity of literary classics – for your attention"
The classical direction of literature is what has been tested over the years. These are the books that have nurtured various generations of children around the world. Therefore, the positive impact of such literature is undeniable. You can select and purchase it at attractive prices from us. The books offered in the assortment reflect advantages such as:
- Quality Ukrainian-language translation. Your child will be able to significantly enrich their vocabulary, which will contribute to their intellectual development and education.
- Only recognized works of world children's literature that are in demand. These are books that teach goodness, friendship, mutual support, and open up to children an unexplored and interesting world of captivating adventures.
- Visual appeal. With us, you will see books with wonderful illustrations that help little ones better imagine the plots revealed by the authors in their works.
"You will see classic books of various genres to choose the options that your children will like. This will provide an opportunity to successfully form your child's first home library and instill a love of reading in them." Choose books, fill your virtual cart with great purchases – and we will deliver your package for free from 80 euros.