Liz Pichon
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Meet Tom Gates, a good but slightly mischievous boy. It seems he has forgotten to do his homework again. And how can he not forget? After all, he has so many important things to do: start his own rock band,...
An incredibly funny and charismatic book that speaks to teenagers in their language. Get to know the diary of Tom, a good, but a little rowdy guy who dreams of starting a rock band ("Zombos Dogs"), quarrels with his sister,...
Tom Gates continues to draw in his diary (even though some teachers get annoyed when he does it during lessons). It seems that nothing can spoil Tom's mood before his birthday.Except of course:a) Mrs. WorthinVUSA,b) Mr. Fullerman's homework,(v) school disco,...
Finally, Tom Gates' talent has been noticed: he made it into the school "Newsletter" for the best drawing on the album cover. But very soon there will be no time for drawing, because: 1) the school will soon celebrate Sports...
"No one and nothing will stop Tom Gates from drawing his doodles, as he is absolutely fantastic at this (and some other things). No matter how burdensome the quirky tasks from Mr. Fullerman and the tricks of sister Delia, Marcus,...
Finally, Tom Gates will be filled with happiness! For, firstly, school has stopped being the most annoying place on earth, as the Enrichment Week has been announced. And this means that in lessons, Tom along with his friends will create...
"Super Special Treats (No)" — another humorous novel featuring Tom Gates. Winter has come to the city, and the heating in the school has broken down. So, for three days, Tom will be without lessons. He will go sledding, build...